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Ski and Mountains

December 19, 2016

My three children and I are perched at the crest of a snowy path, straddling odd wooden contraptions...Continue reading

December 07, 2013

It's rare I warn my family not to expect too much from their holiday, but that was how this ski trip began...Continue reading

January 14, 2015

The day I let my kids loose on the 2006 winter Olympic slopes - and they survived...Continue reading

November 01, 2015

They call it the tri country - an exquisite backwater of Europe surrounded by 9000ft peaks where you can ski three countries in one go...Continue reading

November 17, 2013

News that we were taking a second family ski holiday didn't go down that well. "I don't want to go," whined eight-year old Gabriel...Continue reading

February 14, 2009

Skiing with young children may feel daunting, but this resort has (most of) the answers...Continue reading

January 05, 2013

Half-way up the mountain I have a change of heart. The weather's turned. A biting wind lashes snow against my cheeks and has blown the surface off the slope...Continue reading

November 03, 2012

My six-year old daughter Hannah started her missives last month, covering the glass panes with wish-lists, script facing outwards for Santa to see...Continue reading

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